This unusual white hollyhock was blooming close to the ground along the alleyway. I had to bend way down to try to capture the blossom. Days later I took a look at the photo and found a tiny ant traveling through the petals.
I was reminded that sometimes the smallest clues yield the biggest revelations. And I started thinking again about being a detective, and how my Coaching process is so similar to detective work. In this case, a tiny ant was the clue to my next Blog. In many cases, it’s the simplest little nudge that motivates us to take the next step in the process of transforming: opening a book and reading a line, overhearing a conversation in an unfamiliar location, seeing a license plate that says what you’ve been thinking, hearing a song over and over in different places.
This is not, of course, all there is to the Coaching process. “Setting sail for new goals and visions is usually accompanied by obstacles, knotty problems, detours and even changing course.” (see more on my About page). However, I have found that when we are listening and alert for tiny clues, the universe often responds with jokes and magic. Look at that tiny ant, for instance, if he can find his way through the flower, you can also navigate unknown territory, become your own inspired detective and chart a new course.
I’m reminded of a familiar quote I have heard, “Even if the messenger be an ant, heed him.”
i love being an aunt…..đŸ¥°