There is something magical and comforting when the seasons begin to change. Mother Nature has an intelligence far beyond our understanding and it still fascinates me.
We begin to breathe in a little differently. People say ‘fall is in the air.’ Fans are put away and jackets and sweaters re-emerge. I find thought patterns and moods also change. We are ready to dive in deeper, sorry to see summer go but ready for rich orange colors, spices and giving thanks. Crispy apples are replacing juicy peaches and soup sounds good again.
In Montana, we start thinking of things we want to do “before the snow flies’: friends we need to see, places we need to travel, long-term projects created and pantries stocked. Football is being played again and new stories are being told. Learning and growing are on the menu.
Autumn Equinox is in a few days and I am hopeful that we can transistion into this new season with hearts still full of peace, strengthened and prepared for come what may.
Green leaves are turning yellow here in northwest Illinois. The hibernation process is beginning. Soon the big cold sleep will be here, followed by springtime and the continuing cycle of life. Meanwhile human beings love and hate, great political issues are debated, movie stars come and go, while the earth dances to its own rhythms.
Oh, love this, Len.