It was a brisk golden morning for a walk. Not all the leaves have fallen, some are still cheerfully holding on. I began to think about what kind of things are wise to hold on to, and what things are better to let go of. As I write I also think sadly of those we know who have recently lost everything. It appears they are the strongest ones, and with heroic support they are beginning to rebuild their communities.
For those of us who are able to make choices, I began listing Holding On to: principles, peace of mind, worthy opinions, hopefulness. creativity, vision, confidence, generosity and gratitude.
For Letting Go of: old habits, outdated opinions, other people’s opnions, negative thoughts, clutter whether physical, emotional or mental. Plus unrealistic dreams, distractions from purpose, unnecessary drama, self criticism and judgement.
These lists are by no means complete and could get very long! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject before all the leaves are gone.