Days Gone By

Just discovered this image from about 1998. I recognize feeling very much the same and yet the world has changed, and in reality, so have we all. I’ve moved four times in Montana and landed once again in Livingston. I’ve watched children grow up and met many travelers along the way. I’ve changed careers a few times and seen my elderly parents off to their next chapters. I’ve treasured many a relationship with friends, family, neighbors and with Spirit above and below.

And what of our world? As we approach another anniversary of September 11, 2001, we see the images again and remember the before and the after. Moments rarely forgotten. We’ve watched technology accelerate, cultures change dramatically and a worldwide pandemic take place, to name a few. Can we ever really be the same as we were?

And yet there’s a place of peace centered in our hearts which enables us to be consciously present each and every moment. I’m not announcing that I have mastered it, but only to say that it is our saving grace as we navigate the challenges and uncertainties of our time. May we be at peace.

8 thoughts on “Days Gone By”

  1. Insightful and true comments. I don’t know all that you’ve been through, but your experiences and reflections on them evidently have enabled you to see the light.

  2. It is really amazing when we look back on all that has happened in the past years. You are right that we need to be centered and peaceful in order to keep on keeping on. Thanks.

  3. Carol Joelee Magazino

    Thank you, yes! How grateful can we be with this gift of knowledge and practice of Peace within! So may more chapters to fill and challenges to meet. Let’s keep our hearts grounded in heaven’s home. Love, Carol Joelee Magazino, Boise, Idaho

  4. At peace and in peace, inner and outer, in all ways for all times. Wonderful reflection and reminder. Thank you and Blessings to all!

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