Author name: Susan

Cutting the Gordian Knot

In ancient Greek legend, a complex knot tied an oxcart in place near the palace of former kings. The Phrygians were at the time without a king and an oracle declared that any man who could unravel the elaborate knots would be destined to become the ruler of all of Asia. In 333 BC Alexander […]

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Free to Create

The events on the screen of life often feel quite dramatic for most of us. I remember a day which was a multi-layered event for me. Along with an historic Supreme Court decision, a former friend and coaching client of mine landed up in the hospital, a piece of mail had some very surprising news

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Response Ability

For some time I’ve been thinking about the concept of responsibility. Perhaps because of my history, training and experiences, I have often interpreted the word in a strict, disciplinary fashion. Nothing wrong with discipline, of course, but my version of the word tended to make me want to avoid the subject. Or perhaps give myself

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Shifting Realities

As realities shift day to day and season to season, I am reminded once again of the old Sufi story which I am sure I have mentioned before: A farmer led a fairly pleasant life but became tired of being so poor. He decided to buy a horse and hopefully learn to train him and

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Getting a Raise

Many of us find pennies in our pathways – shiny or old, in the parking lot or on the sidewalk, or any number of odd places. I always interpret them to mean I am on the right track. Then a friend of mine reported to me that she had found a quarter and rightly interpreted

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